Calling op-shopaholics

Bacchus Marsh Ladies Auxiliary president Sarah Tollis. (Damjan Janevski) 388015_01

The Bacchus Marsh Ladies Auxiliary Op Shop has been run off its feet this summer with an influx of donations and customers, and it’s seeking volunteers to help share the load.

The op shop, in Gell Street Bacchus Marsh, is run by the volunteers from the Ladies Auxiliary and raises money for the Bacchus Marsh Hospital and Grant Lodge.

Bacchus Marsh Ladies Auxiliary president Sarah Tollis said there has been a surge in both donations and customers.

“Demand for our goods has increased, a portion of our customers are telling us they really appreciate having the op shop as an alternative due to high cost of living and the fact that we keep our prices as low as possible,” she said.

“We have had a large amount of donations since Christmas, the community seem to do a spring clean so it’s always a busy time of the year for us.”

The shop had to put temporary pauses on donations so that the small team has time to process goods.

Donations are now being accepted again, but Ms Tollis said they’re looking for extra volunteers to lend a hand.

“We would love more volunteers. We need self-motivated friendly people who enjoy working in a shop environment and who would enjoy helping in our sorting room,” she said.

Volunteers can apply online or by calling Bacchus Marsh Hospital and asking for the volunteers coordinator.

Details: 5367 2000 or