Backing the next generation of cyber defence experts

The development of Victoria’s next generation of cyber security experts will be fast-tracked when they are drafted to the front line of the state’s cyber defence operations in upcoming months.

Government Services Minister Gabrielle Williams announced the launch of the Cyber Defence Centre Internship Program, which will help five graduates who have completed a Certificate IV in Cyber Security to kickstart their careers.

Starting in January, the paid internship program will give graduates a entry pathway to build high-demand skills and gain hands on experience, working alongside cyber security experts leading the state’s preparedness and response to cyber security risks.

Graduates will complete a five-month placement in one of three streams:

– technology, digital forensics and incident response,

– threat intelligence,

– and data analysis.

Minister Williams said with an estimated one in three Australian adults affected by a cyber attack each year, there’s never been a more critical time to invest in strong cyber security defences.

“We’re supporting graduates to develop their skills in a real-world environment, so we can continue delivering digital government services safely and reliably,” she said.

Cyber security graduates are an important resource in the fight against cybercrime and graduates seeking a career opportunity with purpose are encouraged to apply for a position in the inaugural program.

Applications for the program close on Sunday, November 19.
