Bacchus Marsh police station to be upgraded

Faulty heating and cooling systems at Bacchus Marsh police station will be replaced as part of the state government’s $3 million package to upgrade 15 regional stations.

Inspector Brendon McCrory welcomed the announcement for his members, who, he said, “suffer” through the hottest and coolest weather.

“It’s good to see at last that some money has been put aside,” he said. “Not having any heating or cooling makes it uncomfortable for the members in the office.”

The state government did not reveal how much money would be put aside to replace the air-conditioning systems at Bacchus Marsh.

In addition to the 15 stations to be upgraded and refurbished, seven new police stations will be built in regional Victoria, 10 police residences across the state will be replaced, and more than 400 police officers will be recruited.

Of the 400 officers, 300 will work in frontline and 106 in specialised areas, such as with anti-gang and illicit trafficking teams.

Acting Police Minister Robin Scott said: “This significant investment will mean more police and new and upgraded police stations right across regional Victoria.”

Police Association of Victoria secretary Ron Iddles welcomed the commitment to refurbish Bacchus Marsh police station.

But while the announcement of 400 extra officers was a “step in the right direction”, it was not enough, Mr Iddles said.