Bacchus Marsh Lions Club lends a hand … again

09/02/17 Playground. L-R Ralph Fletcher, Mark Robson, Russ Hendry, Nigel Dawkins, and Tony Cawood.The Bacchus Marsh Lions club have rebuilt damaged play equipment. Photo by Kristian Scott

When vandals set alight playground equipment at Maddingley Park, Bacchus Marsh Lions Club wasted no time setting things right again.

Secretary Russ Hendry, an engineer, drew up a design, while several other members carved the wood to make the train carriage.

Club president Mark Robson said it was the second time playground equipment at Maddingley Park had been rebuilt by the Lions.

“This was for the enjoyment of young children, and then you get these clowns who get in there either graffiti-ing, setting things alight or just vandalising,” Mr Robson said.

“I’m very proud of our club, but this is nothing out of the ordinary for us.

“These are the sorts of things we do – community projects for the youngsters around town.”