Bacchus family walking for a cause

Kimberley Gerlach and her 5-months-old son Lucas. (Damjan Janevski) 351073_01

A Bacchus Marsh mother will be walking with her family to raise money for a cause that has become a lot closer to their hearts in the past year.

Kimberly Gerlach’s son, Lucas, was born prematurely at 35 weeks at the Bacchus Marsh Hospital.

Ms Gerlach said Lucas spent the first 10 days of his life in two different hospitals.

“We were hoping to have a best case scenario, but we had to leave the hospital empty handed,” she said.

“We were in the unknown, you don’t know what’s going to happen next. In that environment you’re scared the whole time – you don’t know what the next five minutes will be like, let alone the next day.”

Lucas is now at home and reaching all his milestones, but the experience has inspired Ms Gerlach and her family to participate in the Life’s Little Treasures Foundation (LLTF) Walk for Prems.

The walk is the largest annual fundraiser by LLTF, Australia’s foremost charity dedicated to supporting the families of babies born sick or premature.

In its 14th year, Walk for Prems will take place at nine locations across Australia during the month of October.

Ms Gerlach said the family are walking 6kms in Ballarat on October 15 to raise money and awareness for LLTF.

“We just wanted to help make sure other families in similar situations to us have access to the resources Little Treasures can assist with both in and out of the hospital.”

Donations to Ms Gerlach’s campaign, and options to sign up for your own walk are available online.
