Autumn’s good wood guide

By Esther Lauaki

Firewood collectors have been warned not to stray outside designated collection areas and only take what they need.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning last week opened the autumn firewood collection season across Victoria.

Assistant fire chief Aaron Kennedy urged residents to stick to designated areas on public land during the season.

“Only collect firewood from designated firewood areas to protect sites of cultural and environmental significance,” Mr Kennedy said.

“People should drive on existing forest tracks and roads when collecting firewood and they must stay within collection limits, which are a maximum of two cubic metres per person per day and a maximum of 16 cubic metres per household per year.

“Some households rely on firewood for winter heating, so it’s important to consider others when collecting firewood.”

Mr Kennedy said felling trees for firewood was prohibited and DWLP officers would be patrolling to ensure people are doing the right thing.

“Firewood collectors should check local weather and forest conditions before heading into the forest to make sure it’s safe,” he said.

“Forests are currently extremely dry due to below average rainfall and hot summer so it’s important firewood collectors are careful not to start fires when using chainsaws and splitters.”

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