Artist gets royal treatment in Kings Park

Artist Anna Blatman was swamped by eager kids during her visit to Kings Park Primary School. (supplied)

There was a buzz around Kings Park Primary School as a special guest popped in for a visit last week.

On Friday September 6, Melbourne-based contemporary artist Anna Blatman was welcomed by a cheering crowd of children who had paid tribute to her in a special bi-annual art gallery.

The show was made up of pieces inspired by Ms Blatman’s work.

Teachers Sandra Bahamondes and Melisa Garcia, who run the visual arts program at Kings Park Primary School, organised the occasion.

Ms Garcia said pupils had prepared their art by researching Ms Blatman’s techniques.

“Our students learned about Anna’s background and style of work and used her paintings as inspiration for their own designs,” she said.

“They worked throughout the year to create their art and are incredibly proud to have them on display.”

Ms Bahamondes said Ms Blatman’s art was chosen because of its “ability to brighten up anyone’s day.”