Art support for wildlife

Artist Lesley Rosochodski.

By Ewen McRae

A new exhibition in Bacchus Marsh aims to highlight the important work of local wildlife warriors in the region.

The Nature … Wild exhibition will run at the B-MAC gallery from November 2 to 10, and will feature the works of artists Lesley Rosochodski, Lisa Wilkinson and Kaye Taylor-Law.

The exhibition will feature a series of wildlife portraits that depict rescued animals, orphaned in the local area and now safely in the hands of carers.

Rosochodski said they hoped to raise $500 from sales at the exhibition to go towards the Macedon Ranges Wildlife Network and Five Freedoms Animal Rescue.

“The heartbreaking sight of dead kangaroos along the roads made me determined to try to help wildlife rescue in the best way I could, which is through art,” Rosochodski said.

“After meeting Helen and Manfred [Zabinski] at Five Freedoms, I was overawed by their courage in the face of such sadness. I realised they needed all the support they could get, because public support is vital to wildlife rescuers. This is how our exhibition was born.”

Mr Zabinski, a Five Freedoms wildlife rescuer, said more than 40,000 calls were logged at Wildlife Victoria last year.

“Wildlife rescue organisations receive no hands-on government funding,” Mr Zabinski said. “It costs $500 a week to run our shelter and we are unfunded but for the generosity of donors.”
