Anzac spirit could burn bright in Caroline Springs


A major symbol of gratitude to commemorate the Anzacs could be coming to Caroline Springs.

In a Melton council meeting on August 26, a notice of motion to investigate the possibility of getting an eternal flame at Lake Caroline was passed.

The idea had been raised previously by the Caroline Springs Returned Services League (RSL), who want to place the flame in the water.

Sub-branch president Peter Burquest said the imagery of the fire rising from the tranquil waters would be a ‘poignant tribute’ to fallen soldiers.

“It would be a great thing, particularly for the dawn service on Anzac Day where you would have the sun rising up over the lake,” he said.

A proposal made by the sub-branch states the particular placement of the flame would ‘provide safety’ and ‘prevent vandalism’.

It would also be the first of its kind in Melbourne – eternal flames in Aintree, Altona, and the Shrine of Remembrance are all on land.

The impact of the proposed installation would go beyond remembrance – Mr Burquest said it presents a learning opportunity for new Australians who might know about the history.

“One of our aims is to educate not only school kids but adults as well,” he said.

“Club members would really like it but some of the people who only turn out for Anzac Day might be surprised to see something like this.”

The motion, which was brought by councillor Kathy Majdlik, emphasised that discussions around the project would involve committee members of the Caroline Springs branch.

Council officers will prepare a business case that will be considered as part of the upcoming 2025-26 council budget process, subject to feasibility.

Cr Goran Kesic said he would be proud for the area to have an eternal flame, given his own personal history.

“As a former serviceman, I’m extremely happy that we might have the opportunity to deliver this,” he said.

Cr Sophie Ramsey echoed Cr Kesic’s sentiments and welcomed the profound and timeless gesture.

“When it comes down to returned servicemen, nothing is too great for them.. an eternal flame at Lake Caroline is something that will be there forever and a day,” she said.