An egg-citing discovery

Steven Szrenko comparing his spherical egg to a regular egg. (Damjan Janevski) 334074_01.

Liam McNally

Steven Szrenko and his wife Rita were having a friend visit to pick up a tray of eggs on Saturday, May 6, when they made an egg-citing discovery – one of the eggs was a perfect sphere.

When the group gathered around to study the egg, Mr Szrenko joked to his kids that it looked that way because it had a chicken in it, and the kids wanted to crack it open and find out.

Mr Szrenko had an inkling to do some more research before breaking it open, and was glad he did when articles online told him the egg was potentially one in a billion.

“It’s really weird,” he said.

“It’s lucky we saw it and didn’t throw it into breakfast or scrambled eggs or something.”

Mr Szrenko isn’t sure where exactly the egg came from, as they had visited a few shops and markets that week, but thinks it might have been from St Albans Market.

Outside of online articles, Mr Szrenko has had trouble finding a primary source to tell him exactly how rare his find is.

“Most collectors do cars and antiques, but not eggs – so I’m a bit lost with where to go with it,” he said.

Chooks at the Rooke founder Xavier Prime said he has packed about five million eggs in seven years, and none that he’s seen have been spherical.

“You do get weird things – we’ve had a triple-yolker before, on the odd occasion we get an egg inside another egg, the sphere is probably up there with that, which we haven’t ever had,” he said.

Mr Szrenko put the egg on eBay after seeing spherical eggs had sold in the past for more than $700, he said if someone purchases it he’ll have to “hand deliver it so it doesn’t break”.

Eggsperts with advice for Mr Szrenko, or prospective buyers can contact him via email.
