Aintree PS dance award

Aintree Primary School performing “If everybody looked the same”.

Aintree Primary School has received a state award and is being considered for a national award for its Wakakirri performance ‘If everybody looked the same’.

Wakakirri is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools with over 200 taking part in 2023.

Participating schools are inspired by the Wakakirri ethos “great stories inspire change” to create and perform story-dances that reflect students’ thoughts, ideas and aspirations.

Wakakirri Festival director Adam Loxley said the standard of performance and the stories being told by schools this year was exceptional and Aintree Primary School should be very proud of their award.

Aintree Primary School’s story is about diversity and finding your own tune to dance to.

Aintree Primary School performance coordinator Adam Devenish said the school’s first Wakakirri experience has been a raging success.

“The year five-six students have worked together so well. I have enjoyed the sense of community and identity the Wakakirri community offers. I’m so proud of our students at Aintree Primary School who have shown confidence, commitment, resilience and courage throughout our Wakakirri journey,” he said.