Accident renews calls for road upgrade


Liam McNally

A Melton councillor is calling for road upgrades in the wake of a child being struck by a car outside Deanside Primary School.

On February 27 a child was struck by a car on their way to school at Deanside Primary. The Department of Education hasn’t released full details to protect the child’s identity, however a spokesperson has confirmed the student received appropriate medical support and is expected to make a full recovery.

Councillor Ashleigh Vandenberg said the community around the school has long been calling for upgrades to roads in the area out of fear an incident like this may occur.

Deanside Primary School opened in 2022, and currently it and a neighbouring kindergarten are serviced by a single street off Taylors Road.

“I am deeply shocked and saddened. As a registered nurse who specialised in surgical nursing I have directly been involved with the recovery and care of road trauma patients and have a profound understanding of the impacts many of these avoidable incidents have,” she said.

“While many of us parents are shocked, we have all been calling on the council to do more for this road.”

Cr Vandenberg, who also has a child at Deanside Primary, said the school and nearby section of Taylors Road have not been able to handle traffic volumes for a number of years.

“As a parent, I am fearful that my children will be struck by a car or truck as there is still quite a lot of construction occurring,” she said.

“I see young children walking Taylors Road in dangerous conditions with no pathing, no safety barriers and no lights.

“I would encourage all parents and residents to email, phone or contact their elected councillors and council CEO to advocate for adequate infrastructure. Children’s safety needs to be the priority.”

Council has planned works for the area including signalised intersections on Taylor’s Road at Sinclairs Road and Plumpton Road, a bridge across Kororoit Creek on Sinclairs Road, and the Hopkins Road corridor from Taylors Road to Halycon Road.

Melton City Council will ensure urbanisation of the first two traffic lanes on Taylors Road, but is hoping the state government will adopt the road to undertake further duplication.

Melton council City Futures director Sam Romaszko said internal roads within the vicinity of Deanside Primary School are the responsibility of individual landowners and developers.

“Council is working with the developer and utility providers to open Conservatory Drive as soon as possible. We are in regular contact with the school to work through concerns and project updates,” she said.