A movie to help Caleb move

Caleb (6) and his mum Michelle Ross. (Jacob Pattison) 329783_05.

Liam McNally

A movie screening fundraiser for a Bacchus Marsh boy with a rare genetic condition is being held at Regent Cinemas Ballarat on Saturday, May 27.

Caleb (6) is one of eight people in the world with the neurological condition that causes him constant pain and requires him to use a wheelchair to get around.

The fundraiser will screen The Little Mermaid from 4pm, for $20 dollars a ticket, which will go towards the purchase of a wheelchair accessible car.

Caleb’s mother, Michelle Ross said she’d “love for people to come along and support Caleb”.

“We’re just hoping to make it a fun day out for the kids and let them enjoy going to the movies… Caleb is so excited,” she said.

Caleb’s condition worsened in December which meant he needed to begin using a wheelchair full time.

Ms Ross said that the NDIS agreed to help fund an electric wheelchair for Caleb, and will help modify a car, but can’t help with the purchase of the car itself.

Ms Ross is also currently on Workcover, after an incident in which she was stabbed more than forty times with a needle while on-shift, she said the payments aren’t enough for her to purchase a car, and Workcover prevents her from accessing loans.

“It’s really hard and sad… It’s not like we expect our little children to need to be put in wheelchairs,” she said.

“I’m not doing this lightly asking for donations…I’ve tried every other avenue and there’s just no help out there unfortunately.”

Donations and event details can be found on Ms Ross’ GoFundMe page.

Details: www.gofundme.com/f/calebs-rare-condition-fight?member=18622881&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer