The Dinka Ethnic School of Victoria took the opportunity to “reflect, respect and acknowledge the multiple stories of Australians” during its Australia Day celebration in Melton last week.
Sponsored by the National Australia Day Council, the event allowed the school and broader community of Dinka language speakers to come together and celebrate.
A spokesperson for the school said the day was an opportunity for all to be part of the Australian story and recognise the shared values we all have.
“It was also a chance for the community to recognise and appreciate the efforts of community members and show appreciation for those who demonstrate shared Australian values,“ the spokesperson said.
“The day supported community members to feel part of the Australian story, increasing connections and acknowledging what it means to be Australian fostering a sense of belonging and showcasing Dinka Ethnic school of Victoria’s community members talents and contributions.”
The Dinka Ethinic School of Victoria is a community language school that has been operating since 2019 and provides language lessons in Dinka, one of the main languages of South Sudan, to school-aged children.