A call to check in with community

Melton Community Safety Register volunteers with Melton police station Senior Sergeant Gus Storer. (Damjan Janevski) 379380_01

A Melton volunteer group that works in conjunction with Melton Police to provide connection and safety to the community is keen to let the community know they’re there for them in 2024.

The Melton Community Safety Register is a little known, but dedicated volunteer group that assists with welfare calls to ensure the safety of people in the local community.

The group launched in 2006 an initiative of the Melton Police. The volunteers work in a room at the station and give a welfare call that usually lasts for just a few minutes, to check up once a week on clients that are registered on their database.

If the client can’t be contacted after multiple attempts, or through a next of kin police are asked to do a welfare check.

Melton Community Safety Register Volunteer Jan Douglas said making contact is reassuring to not only the client but the volunteer as well.

“Originally we started as the Melton Seniors Register, but there’s a lot of people in the community that are vulnerable, live on their own, are lonely, or would like someone to reach out to them, so now anyone can get a phone call once a week,” she said.

“People tell us they look forward to our call. You get to know people that you’re talking to… you can hear in the voice if they’re not well today, and we can pass that on.”

Ms Douglas also gave praise to the team’s 30 hardworking volunteers.

“We thank all the volunteers for the time and effort they put in, some of whom have been working since the start, nearly 17 years of service,” she said.

To request phone calls, ring the Register.

Details: 9747 7909