$2 million promised for Cowie Reserve upgrade

Luba Grigorovitch met with Western Rams members to announce the pledge on Sunday, November 6.

Ian Cowie Recreation Reserve has been promised $2 million for upgrades if Labor wins the state election.

Labor candidate for Kororoit Luba Grigorovitch visited the reserve on Sunday, November 6 to pledge the money will go toward upgrading the clubroom facilities.

Western Rams Sporting Club President Helena Gonebale said facilities at the reserve are in “dire need” of redevelopment.

“It’s quite a significant investment obviously, and it comes at a time when the club is rebuilding in many ways, rebuilding its junior and senior football competitions, and coming off the back of quite a successful netball season,” she said.

“The club rooms are in a much need of upgrades and the clubs been working as hard as it can to support its community of supporters and players in facilities that are inadequate.

“Western Rams is the most culturally diverse club in its league, it has a really positive culture and a really welcoming environment. To have clubrooms that reflect that positive culture is something that’s going to be really exciting.”

Ms Grigorovitch said community sport is part of the fabric of the Kororoit community.

“Every week, thousands of locals participate in organised sport which is why Labor is so proud to be investing $2 million towards redevelopment of clubroom facilities at Ian Cowie Recreation Reserve,” she said.