View birds in the bush along Toolern Creek

A walk with bird-watchers along Toolern Creek is the best way to appreciate nature this autumn.

Melton Environment Group hosts bird walks each month to introduce residents to their local parks, creeks and lakes. The next walk starts at 9am on Saturday, April 25, and is expected to take about two hours.

Melton Environment Group volunteer Daryl Akers encouraged people to come along, even if they aren’t “particularly interested in birds”.

“They’re just ordinary walks; people don’t have to be experts,” Mr Akers said.

“They get a pleasant walk in the sun, they learn about what kind of birds we have – we have about 160 species in Melton – and they can find out what our local environment groups are doing.”

Toolern Creek forms a corridor for birds and other wildlife through Melton.

People interested in putting on their walking shoes can meet at the “big red” gazebo near the freeway, corner of Raymond Street and Tamar Drive, Melton South.

Find out more

Call Mr Akers on 0438 277 252.