Drivers targeted at school pick-up and drop-off times

Police, school principals and Melton council are concerned by the growing number of drivers who are flouting the law around schools.

Leading Senior Constable Shane Roberts, of the Melton highway patrol, said that although the issue was widespread, Hillside, Caroline Springs and Brookside were some of the worst problem areas.

“Schools have been notified that we’ll be targeting schools during pick-up and drop-off,” Leading Senior Constable Roberts said.

“[It’s important to follow the law] because of the nature of kids around schools – especially at a primary level – because you never trust what the kids are going to do.”

Leading Senior Constable Roberts urged parents to drive at 40km/h, keep an eye out for parking signs and not park in no-standing zones.

He said many parents were double-parking or parking too close to the crossing supervisor, which posed several risks.

He advised parents to drop off and pick up their children in a timely manner as most were flouting the law because of running late.

Leading Senior Constable Roberts also urged parents to “walk the 100 metres to the school gate” instead of endangering children’s and drivers’ lives by parking in illegal areas.