Passion scores A-plus for Melton Secondary College’s Marnie

Marnie McColl aced her VCE results last year.

The 18-year-old Melton West teen received an ATAR of 88.65 and is now on her way to study journalism at RMIT University.

“My teachers recommended us to find a career that you love,” Marnie said. “And, I guess, after I’d taken literature in year 11, I realised I really enjoyed writing.”

Marnie, who graduated from Melton Secondary College, attributed her success to maintaining a good work-life balance.

“If I went out one day, I made sure I studied the next day. As long as you have that balance throughout the year, it’ll be ok.”

The teen hopes to travel the world and raise awareness of the plight of people in third-world or war-zone countries.

Principal David Reynolds said standards at the school improved markedly last year. The median study score, marked out of 50, rose from 23 in 2013 to 27.

He said many of his students received an ATAR in the 70s and 80s, “testimony to the great work achieved by students and staff”.

“Ninety-eight per cent – 50 out of 52 students – received a first round offer. That’s a terrific outcome.”

Mr Reynolds said the school spent a lot of time focussing on study skills, effective time management and effective learning.

“Be clear about what you want to achieve and organise your time around those goals so you can allocate the right amount of time,” he said.

Students are encouraged to study a minimum of 20 hours per week.