Melton South pupils bitten by the bug … and creepy crawlies

Giant bugs and creepy crawlies made their way into Melton South Primary School last week as part of the school’s “mini-beasts” studies.

Grades 1 and 2 pupils wrapped up their mini-beast learning for the term by getting up close with the creatures.

Teacher Ann Williams said the pupils were very excited to welcome the mini-beasts to their school, although not all were keen to get too close.

She said there were plenty of “ooooooo’s” and “aahhhhhhh’s” as the students got to see creatures they had never seen before.

Among the visitors were giant burrowing cockroaches, rainforest snails, giant praying mantises, tarantulas, scorpions, huge centipedes, massive millipedes, beetles and rainforest crickets.

“The kids got to not only learn about [the mini-beasts] but they also got to see them and touch them,” Ms Williams said.

“They were bubbling over with information and it was a really worthwhile activity.”

The week before the bugs arrival, the pupils were hands-on in the schoolyard looking for their own mini-beasts.

Ms Williams said the pupils collected snails, which escaped overnight and ate one students’ work. She said the pupils thought that was hilarious.

Ms Williams said the pupils were very engaged in the topic and had learnt lots of information.