Iconic burnt-out Diggers Rest hotel to remain a ruin

The burnt out remains of the Diggers Rest hotel will continue to crumble, following the withdrawal of an application to demolish it.

The hotel, which was destroyed by fire on October 30, 2008, has been the subject of debate for the past six years.

A planning application to demolish the remains was lodged back in December 2008 and a decision was expected at last week’s council meeting.

But the applicant, hotel owner Diggers Rest Properties Pty. Ltd, withdrew the application.

The council had received three objections and 64 joint letters supporting the demolition of the hotel.

Diggers Rest resident Kim Davis said a decision needed to be made immediately.

“Within six years, a decision should have been made,” Ms Davis said.

“It should ultimately be demolished and [the land] put to better use.”

Mel Tyquin, also a Diggers Rest resident, said she’d like to see a pub re-established on the site but the ruins must go immediately.

“You can’t just leave it like this,” she said.

“You look at [the ruins] and you feel sad; you don’t feel any pride. It’s not serving a purpose and it’s one of the first things people see when they enter our town.”

Diggers Rest Properties Pty Ltd owner Roger Smith was not available for comment.