Talking 2041: Managing huge growth in Bacchus Marsh district

Moorabool council is gearing up for a population boom, with 17,000 new residents expected in the Bacchus Marsh district by 2041.

This will make the region home to 37,000 people, and the council, together with its community, wants to be prepared.

Moorabool mayor Paul Tatchell said an extra 17,000 new residents would drive 10,000 more cars locally, would need more schools and services – and more than 5000 new homes.

“Growth on this scale requires considered planning and an eye to the future,” Cr Tatchell said.

“With the enormous population growth in Melton, and Bacchus Marsh’s position within the peri-urban commuter belt for Melbourne, we expect that this area will be subject to significant growth pressures that need to be proactively managed,” he said.

The community is urged to share their ideas and input for managing this growth through the Talking 2041 community engagement process.

Talking 2041 has been designed to encourage input from all residents, including those who may be time-poor.

Postcard-style surveys are available at council offices, the library and local cafes, retailers and doctors’ surgeries at Bacchus Marsh, Darley and Maddingley.

Cr Tatchell said residents could also go online to council’s community engagement portal and participate in weekly forums. They can also respond to a discussion paper that seeks to draw on local knowledge and ideas about managing growth.

This month the community will also be invited to participate in a workshop to examine the issues around growth.

Community input to Talking 2041 will shape the urban growth strategies for Bacchus Marsh, Maddingley, Darley, Bences Road, Hopetoun Park, Long Forest and Parwan and will form part of Moorabool council’s own future growth strategy.

This first stage of the Talking 2041 community engagement process for the urban growth strategy will run until December 12, after which results will be fed back to the community in March 2015.

To participate in surveys and forums, visit www.haveyoursaymoorabool.

Otherwise leave your feedback on social media using hashtags #Talking2041 and #Moorabool.