Bacchus Marsh Fire Brigade rattles the tins

The Bacchus Marsh Fire Brigade is ready to hit the polls at the upcoming election – but it’s nothing to do with politics.

On election day, November 29, brigade volunteers will be shaking cans for community donations as part of their annual Tin Rattle fundraiser.

Captain Nathan Ractliffe says the fundraiser is important to help pay for much-needed extra equipment, and he hopes the community can spare some change.

“We put the money directly back into our service delivery to the community,” Mr Ractliffe said.

The brigade hopes to raise $10,000 to help update its communication capability, fire fighting equipment and protective gear, as well as replacing brigade vehicles and gas detectors.

Mr Ractliffe said the community’s support was essential in helping the brigade do the best job it can to support the community in return. He said every dollar collected would directly support the volunteer fire brigade and be used on the frontline.

Mr Ractliffe said it was also a great opportunity for the community to chat with the crew.

Volunteer brigade members will be donning their yellow wildfire protective clothing, making them hard to miss at each of the election day polling booths in Bacchus Marsh, which will be open from 8am until 6pm.

Donations can be made on the day or via direct deposit to the brigade’s bank account, BSB 633000, account 148017510 with the reference ‘Your Name’.

For a tax-deductible receipt or other ways to donate, email