Taylors Hill bandanna gang can do for CanTeen

The staff at Coles Taylors Hill donned bandannas instead of witches hats and devil horns to celebrate Halloween, helping raise $1700 and awareness for CanTeen – a group that supports young people living with cancer.

Store support manager Melissa Harrington said staff members were keen to take part in National Bandanna Day and support CanTeen.

She said it was also especially important to her to support the cause as she lost her nephew, Jaymie, to cancer in 2010.

“Taylors Hill has been supporting this charity and this community since the store opened,” Ms Harrington said.

“We want to show that we do take an interest in the community and charities. And if we can get behind something we definitely will.”

This year, Coles Taylors Hill dedicated its Bandanna Day festivities to the memory of local girl Erika, who lost her battle with cancer this year.

Ms Harrington said Erika had been a regular shopper at Coles with her parents and had been invited to have morning tea with staff.

Ms Harrington said Friday’s event was also a tribute to the memory of all the “young angels” who had lost their battle with cancer and those still fighting it.

To donate or for more information, visit www.canteen.org.au.