Melton council backs commission’s anti-hate pitch

Melton council is calling on its community to “take a stand against hate”.

In response to a wave of racial vilification and discrimination that has swept the country, Melton mayor Bob Turner has pledged his support for the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission’s Anti-Hate campaign.

“In a time of heightened tensions and fears across the nation, there are reports of racism and hatred towards community members,” Cr Turner said.

“I want to reinforce our commitment to promoting multicultural and multi-faith understanding in the municipality.”

The Anti-Hate campaign, launched two years ago, encourages people to tell their stories of “how they stood up against hate” and provides online tools to equip people to deal with discrimination.

Melton council spokeswoman Elissa Haley said the announcement of support for the campaign was not in response to anything specific in the city, and Melton police said there had been no reports of racial attacks.

However, she said the community was urged to report any racist attacks or abuse to police.

Cr Turner added: “We are proud of our growing cultural diversity.

“And we value the contribution that all culturally and linguistically diverse groups make to our social fabric.”

The campaign can be accessed at