Lights, funding, action at Mt Carberry Recreation Reserve

Melton’s Mt Carberry Recreation Reserve is set to become brighter following a $100,000 pledge from the state government to help buy floodlights.

The lights will allow Melton Broncos Rugby League Club and Melton South Primary School Cricket Club to host night training.

The cricket club will also be able to run development programs at night.

As well, the lights will allow the reserve in Exford Road, Melton South, to host a range of evening community entertainment events, including Carols by Candlelight.

Melton council contributed $112,400 towards the lights, which are expected to be installed by the middle of next year.

State Minister for Sport and Recreation Damian Drum announced the funding at the reserve earlier this month.

He also stressed the importance of investing in community sport.

“Sports facilities are important community assets and are important social hubs, particularly in growth areas like Melton,” Mr Drum said.

Mayor of Melton Bob Turner said the reserve was one of the city’s most popular recreational facilities.

“The new lights will create more opportunities for residents and sporting clubs to join in active pursuits and develop their skill levels in a safe and accessible environment,” he said.