Melton City Council backs Aussie brand initiatives

Melton City Council has hopped aboard the Australian Made, Australian Grown campaign to help promote “buy local” initiatives.

The council will work closely with the Australian Made campaign to facilitate access to the Australian Made, Australian Grown logo, which has become Australia’s country-of-origin certification trademark.

“Our partnership with the Australian Made campaign will build on the economic development work the council is already carrying out, to help increase business growth, investment attraction and employment opportunities,” mayor Bob Turner said.

“By assisting businesses to market their products and generating awareness around the benefits and ease of buying locally, we can stimulate reinvestment back to the community.”

Along with 2000 businesses already registered, a number of Melton-based businesses have already used the certification trademark.

Australian Made campaign chief executive Ian Harrison congratulated the council.

“Melton’s manufacturers, the retailers that stock their products and the wider community will all benefit from this initiative,” he said.

The Australian Made, Australian Grown certification trademark can be found on more than 15,000 products across the world.

Information on how to leverage local branding is available at To register your business, visit