Men’s Shed on the move to larger space in Ballan

Ballan Men’s Shed is moving into bigger premises.

Work has started on fitting out the new shed behind the Senior Citizens’ building, with members doing their bit to get it up and ready for the official opening in October.

Shed member Kevin Heley said the more spacious shed – next to the one it’s replacing – would allow for more activities and more members.

“More people will be able to do more things,” Mr Heley said. “We were space and OH&S-challenged in the old shed.

“The new one will allow us to have more guys present, not just building things or constructing or fixing … a lot of guys come along for the social interaction, too.”

New work benches have been made and installed by the men to make the shed more inviting.

Another new addition is a bookshelf, which will be home to an array of books on construction and building and about men’s general well-being.

Mr Heley said men travelled from Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat and beyond to visit the shed, with membership growing each month.

He said the shed played a very important role in the lives of many men in the community by helping reduce isolation and boost moral.

“In my view, the Men’s Shed and men’s group are really about men’s psychological well-being more than anything else,” he said.

“A number of the men live on their own or rurally, so it helps keep them mentally active.”

The Men’s Shed is open twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays between 9am and 2pm.

For more information, phone 5368 1934 or visit