Bacchus Marsh Grammar’s student tea time serves high purpose

An array of sweets, treats and, of course, tea will grace the menu for Bacchus Marsh Grammar School’s high teas, being hosted every Thursday this month.

Each year, Bacchus Marsh Grammar year 11 students add a bit of sweetness to their learning by hosting the high teas.

The sip-and-chats were established to enable students to tackle the customer service component of their vocational education and training hospitality course.

Hospitality head Belinda Lipscombe said the experience was vital for the students’ learning and would help them gain employment.

“It’s important we’re giving them real-world experiences … and an understanding of customer service,” Ms Lipscombe said.

“It helps them build their confidence … it’s a great skill to learn at year 11.”

She said the students loved hosting community members, including mothers groups.

By charging each high tea visitor $5, the students raise money to support the school’s Relay For Life team.

Leyla Chapman, Jackson Pais and Trudy Bath. Photo: Kristian Scott