Farmers’ Facebook to connect food producers, consumers

Farmers, distributors and consumers have a new way to connect thanks to the launch of  “farmers’ Facebook” on Tuesday. 

Called My Farm Store, it allows business-to-business contact, with a producer-to-consumer connectivity also in development. 

Created by the Central Highlands Agribusiness Forum (CHAF) and partly funded by local councils and the state government, it was launched by National MP Peter Walsh. 

“This is utilising modern technology for effectively the oldest transaction in buying food,” Mr Walsh said. 

The website has four types of users: buyers, sellers, associates and distributors. Users already connected include Tuki Trout Farm and the Avoca Hotel. 

CHAF chairman Andrew Young said the website was about providing producers with more avenues. 

“The idea of Australia being Asia’s food bowl is not realistic. All of our food would just feed the population of Shanghai. Farmers need to look locally for opportunities,” he said. 

Tuki Trout Farm proprietor Robert Jones is looking forward to the prospect. 

“It will really help us to grow and develop our business and communicate with potential customers.”