Bacchus Marsh: Husband and wife OK as aircraft flips

UPDATE: A plane has flipped on the runway at Bacchus Marsh Airfield while attempting to land at about 1.20pm.

A husband and wife are uninjured but their hand-built plane is damaged, according to an aircraft engineer at the airfield.

‘Chipper’ said the plane flipped due to a bad landing.

“The plane is r**ted, but they’re OK,” he said.

“It tipped onto its head, I’ve got to drag it back to the hangar.”

He said the male and female occupants were uninjured.

“They’re a husband and wife, they’re regular flyers here, they built it.”

Bacchus Marsh Senior Sergeant Edward ‘Jim’ Lappin said the pair, in their 50s, left the accident uninjured.

“From what I’m told it veered off to the right of the runway upon landing, there’s some wing and propeller damage,” he said.

“It was the man’s maiden flight with the plane, even though he’s an experienced pilot.

“It would have been like landing a three wheeled motorbike, it’s only a small little plane.

“I wouldn’t say it’s a right-off, (but) it’s a bit work.

“It was a home-made plane, although it doesn’t look like it.”

The airfield is owned by Moorabool Shire Council.