Outlook Ride, Kurunjang, housing plans halted

A last-minute change to plans for a housing development in Outlook Ride, Kurunjang, led to Melton council deferring a decision on whether the application should go before a planning panel.

Six of the seven councillors voted to put off a decision after the developer reduced the number of proposed lots from 75 to 65.

Councillors left the chamber during last Tuesday’s meeting to discuss the changes before agreeing to defer.

Last September, the council approved developer Peyton Waite’s application to have 5.2 hectares on Outlook Ride and Gunnawarra Road rezoned from low-density residential to residential 1 to allow the development to take place.

After putting the plan out for public comment and receiving 76 submissions and two petitions, council officers recommended the appointment of
a planning panel to consider the responses.

Cr Sophie Ramsey said the developer’s decision to reduce the number of lots had changed things. “Seventy-five lots were presented to us approximately seven days ago in the pre-agenda; in the past 24 hours the applicant has come out with 65,’’ Cr Ramsey said.

“To some councillors it seems like a better move forward to go to the planning minister seeking a panel, but there hasn’t been a long time for us to really look into it or explore those options and get the message out to the residents.’’

Cr Broden Borg voted against the decision, to the delight of residents in the gallery, saying he did not support the development, ‘‘full stop’’.

“I’m against the referral because of my opinion, and the information and knowledge I have of the area – 75 or 65 doesn’t change the premise of this going ahead.

“There’s no way I will support it now or in three months unless the major issues such as safety, traffic and urban space are solved in that time.”