Proactive police tough on drugs across Moorabool

Drug offences in Moorabool have almost doubled in the past year following ‘‘proactive policing’’ and covert operations.

In the 12 months to December last year, 122 drug offences were recorded, an increase of 48.8 per cent on the previous year.

“Proactive policing always leads to an increase in arrests, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s more drugs on our streets,” Inspector Brendon McCrory said.

“We’re keeping a close eye on the Western Highway, which from anecdotal and actual evidence we know is a major thoroughfare for drug traffickers.”

Inspector McCrory said police were aiming to hit illicit drug suppliers while minimising harm to the users.

Moorabool’s total crime was up
7 per cent, from 2611 offences to 2795, with other offences including antisocial behavior and weapons crimes rising 22.1 per cent (from 335 to 409).

Inspector McCrory said property damage would be a major focus for police this year, following an increase of 9.5 per cent from 347 to 380 offences. He said these figures continued to climb, thanks to a recent spate of graffiti in Darley.

“We’re currently focusing on identifying the youths who are tagging fences and public property,” he said.

Inspector McCrory said overall assault figures had dropped
11.3 per cent, from 327 to 290, as a result of police presence, a focus on alcohol-fuelled violence and education sessions in schools.

‘‘We want to spread the message that it’s not about teens stalking or sextings – there are serious assaults occurring,” he said.