More places for men to share skills and stories

The men of Melton city will have not one but two new places to meet up, with new Men’s Sheds to be built in Melton and Taylors Hill.

Melton council and the Kirrip Aboriginal Corporation will each receive $60,000 from the state government to open the sheds. The sheds will not be co-located, despite reports to the contrary.

Aboriginal community member Doretta Charles says the corporation’s new shed in Melton will allow the creation of a men’s group similar to a women’s group that is already running.

“It will be a place to gather Aboriginal men in the Melton area, where they can just go to share stories or do some art,’’ she said.

‘‘Many of them have hidden talents and this will allow them to share them.”

Ms Charles hopes the group will help some of the men find work or educational opportunities.

The council will build a shed at Morton Homestead in Taylors Hill. Mayor Bob Turner said the shed would become an important community resource for men living in the city’s eastern corridor.

“The Men’s Shed at Morton Homestead will provide an opportunity for men to socialise, be active, work on community projects, share skills and interests with other men or drop in for some quiet time or a chat over coffee,’’ he said.

“It will also provide links to information and services about men’s health and well-being.”

The council has committed $250,000 to the project in this year’s budget. Construction is expected to be completed next year.

The sheds are among 41 Men’s Sheds being built across Victoria after the state government announced more than $2.2 million through its Strengthening Men’s Sheds initiative.