Diggers Rest traffic plan runs into speed humps

Melton council is being urged to postpone its decision on a traffic management plan for Diggers Rest.

The plan, part of a study being carried out ahead of a substantial population increase expected in coming years, will be presented at tonight’s council meeting.

In the meeting agenda, council officers recommend that councillors support the plan, which includes installing 21 speed humps and closing one end of Welcome Road.

Diggers Rest resident Alex Jinks said he was worried about the plan.

“In the council agenda they talk about risk factors, that if it [council] fails to implement this plan it puts itself up for litigation,” he said.

“I want clarification that the plan does not stop people from suing Melton council if it is at fault.”

Mr Jinks has sent an email to Melton chief executive Kel Tori and some councillors outlining his concerns.

“I’ve spent 18 months on this and I continue to be very concerned about the outcome,’’ Mr Jinks said.

“I am probably benefited personally by some of the changes, but I don’t want my neighbours and friends being screwed over.”

Cambridge, Coburn and Watts Residents Association president Nathan Miles, who in November called for the plan to be suspended, said none of the matters raised by the group had been addressed.

“The whole thing has been a farce and they had already made up their mind on what they were going to do,’’ he said.

“A lot of people aren’t happy about Welcome Road and they have just ignored our concerns.”