Maddingley’s Grant Street works ‘bad for business’

Maddingley traders fear that works to make Grant Street safer and stop through-traffic will be bad for business.

Works expected to begin in December will include creating an additional traffic island for a pedestrian ‘refuge’.

Six of the 13 car spaces in front of the shopping strip will be removed and one end of a service road will be closed, creating a cul-de-sac.

Moorabool council says the works will improve safety for pedestrian traffic from nearby schools and will set up the intersection for installation of traffic lights.

But fish and chip shop owner Michael Jabbour said the loss of through-traffic would cripple businesses.

“Why didn’t they do it nine years ago when the bridge was closed off for seven months?’’ he said.

‘‘The economy is already awful and now they’re asking everyone to sacrifice more of their earnings.”

Convenience store owner Scott Bailey told last Wednesday’s council meeting a safer intersection could still be achieved, but alternatives favoured by shopkeepers should be considered.

Trader Dianne Leech said until the works were complete, it was hard to estimate what the effects might be.

She said shopkeepers already faced significant access issues.

‘‘We can only accept deliveries from the front because trucks can’t get around the back; there’s no room.

“It’s pretty dangerous to have trucks backing out constantly up and down the street.

‘‘To me, it’d be easier if they put a roundabout at the end of the bridge, to slow traffic down and help kids cross.”

Moorabool infrastructure general manager Phil Jeffrey said the council would provide more information to those affected by the works in the coming weeks.

‘‘There will be minimal impact to overall traffic movements,’’ he said.

‘‘Consultation with adjoining businesses has occurred twice now and is continuing.’’