Lerderderg rescue leads to bushwalker plea

A Parks Victoria ranger has urged bushwalkers to plan ahead and ensure they have means of communication in case of emergency after a gruelling seven-hour rescue in Lerderderg State Park.

A woman aged in her 60s was bushwalking in a remote area with a group of experienced walkers when she fell two and a half metres down an incline about 1pm on September 29.

She was eventually carried out over the rough terrain and taken to Sunshine Hospital in a stable condition with a shoulder injury.

Ranger in charge Peter Box said the group, which had access to a mobile phone and was able to call triple-0, had been well prepared.

‘‘They were very experienced, had been in the area before, had communications, first-aid and the proper clothing to suit weather and location,’’ he said.

Advanced life support paramedic Mark Lyszczarz said two SES units were brought in to carry the woman to a four-wheel drive, as a helicopter rescue was not possible.

Mr Box encouraged bushwalkers to follow the group’s lead. “Communicate, know where you are and where you’re heading, weather conditions and, most importantly, let someone know where you’re going and the approximate time of your return.”  

» www.parkweb.vic.gov.au