Future’s looking bright for Tegan

MELTON’S Tegan Burgess-Miller will head to Sydney this week to learn more about women in leadership.

The Staughton College student was among 50 year 11s from across Australia selected to attend the week-long UBS Young Women’s Leadership Academy.

Tegan, 15, is looking forward to meeting new people. “There will be inspirational women coming to speak who are leaders in the community,” she says.

“I think it will be a really good experience, to help me organise things and get confident.

“I’m part of my school debating team. I take part in all different sorts of extracurricular activities, like The Wizard of Oz production, and I’ve done work experience in journalism.”

Tegan was nominated by a teacher at her school.

UBS chief executive Matthew Grounds said 450 girls from Australian secondary schools had previously attended the academy.

He said it was designed to nurture future female talent by offering students the chance to develop their knowledge, skills and leadership capabilities to help them succeed at school, in further studies and their careers.