100 reasons to celebrate

Willowbrea Aged Care resident Maria Gerbing has turned 100 Pic Marco De Luca

A long line of family members is getting ready to party with Maria Gebing. The soon-to-be centenarian’s four children, 11 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren will help her celebrate her milestone in Melton later this month. Mrs Gebing arrived in Australia in 1958 from Holland with her husband and they settled in Sunshine for many years. She spread herself between raising children and working at a chocolate factory before retiring to Willowbrae Nursing Home in Kurunjang. “I ate a lot of chocolate,” she said. “There’s no secret to a long life. I never smoked or drank. I stayed healthy. I was always very busy.” … Esther Lauaki