By Carole Levy
According to the 2016 Australian Census, 3.6 million people in Australia above the age of 15 are engaged in volunteering through an organisation or group. Nowhere is this more evident than at Djerriwarrh Health Services, reports new chief executive Belinda Scott.
“With 189 dedicated volunteers currently donating their time to the health service, the ongoing contribution of volunteers to Djerriwarrh is absolutely fundamental to ensuring high-quality service delivery continues for the local community,”
Ms Scott says.
To formally show its appreciation for its volunteers, Djerriwarrh Health Services recently hosted a special luncheon and awards ceremony during National Volunteer Week to formally recognise and celebrate the contribution and dedication of these extraordinary community members.
The Djerriwarrh Health Services volunteer service awards recognised 14 volunteers with a cumulative total of 255 years of volunteer service.
“The health service is indebted to its volunteers, as it would be unable to operate to its full potential without their continued selfless work and dedication,” Ms Scott says.
“They play a vital role in the implementation and success of our programs across the health service. We’re extremely fortunate to have our dedicated volunteers who generously donate their time across a broad range of services at Djerriwarrh.
Their unwavering commitment is a testament to themselves, their
families and the local communities they serve with pride.
“I feel honoured to have joined a health service with a passionate and connected team of volunteers devoted to enriching the service provided at Djerriwarrh.”
Two local members of the Ladies Auxiliary, Eileen Knight and Beryl Morgan, were presented with special awards to officially mark 30 years of outstanding volunteer service to Djerriwarrh Health Services – a combined total of more than 60 years of volunteering, a remarkable achievement.
How do I become a Djerriwarrh Health Services volunteer?
Djerriwarrh Health Services welcomes those keen to help their local community and have a willingness to learn new skills.
Djerriwarrh volunteers invariably are enthusiastic, flexible, compassionate, patient and responsible people who are eager to make a difference.
What services directly benefit from dedicated volunteers at Djerriwarrh Health Services?
•Health promotions
•Meals on Wheels
•Friendly Visiting program
•Grant Lodge
•Melton Health customer service
•Hospital kiosk
•Palliative care
•Diversity and Consumer Advisory Committee
•Ladies Auxiliary op shop
If you would like to get involved as a volunteer with your local health care service or for further information on how to do so, please contact Djerriwarrh Health Services on 5367 2000 or visit djhs.org.au