Business Matters: Where clients are the most important partners

The WPC Lawyers team Sarah Tsotsos, Director Bernadette Biyan and Director/Principal Solicitor Stella West. (Supplied)

When two ambitious women, Bernadette Biyan and Stella West, discovered a belief in each other through working together, it gave them the impetus to merge their legal skills and years of experience to found WPC Lawyers in Melton.

“We shared a desire to deliver accessible, friendly and specialised legal services to our community,” explains Bernadette. “It’s what sparked the idea to launch our practice.”

Bernadette says she and Stella saw a need for a focused service in wills and probate, an area in which she has 30 years’ experience.

“It’s an area of law that doesn’t just require legal understanding. Wills and probate need a level of attention and care often overlooked by firms handling wider matters, and we ‘get’ that people can feel cast aside and kept in the dark as issues arise.

“This is why,” Bernadette says “we don’t leave our clients to navigate the law as well as their emotions. We keep them well informed with clear advice that allows time to be taken on the journey. We believe strongly that support extends much further than just legal advice.”

Stella says another specialised area of WPC Lawyers is conveyancing, handled by Sarah Tsotsos.

“Sarah understands that buying a home is an exciting, memorable and sometimes stressful life chapter and she deals skillfully with conveyance matters. She gives clients one-on-one time and free advice prior to signing any contracts.

“Keeping people fully informed makes contract signing an enjoyable, rather than stressful, event. That’s our consistent approach and our clients really value it.”

Another string to the practice bow is long experience in criminal law.

“We work alongside our in-house barrister Peter Wilkins. He has more than 25 years’ experience in criminal law matters, from the simple to the complex,” Stella continues. “And despite complexities, we’ve achieved optimum outcomes for all our clients. We know everyone makes mistakes in life, but we’re all entitled to a fair go and a fresh start – and that’s what we aim to give.”

Bernadette has the last word: “We simplify legal matters and we do it with pride and a smile.”

WPC Lawyers, 33 Bakery Square, Melton. Opens 9am-5.30pm weekdays and Saturdays by appointment. Inquiries: 9747 0033 or