Wildlife Victoria talk on the wild side

10/11/16 Wildlife. Wildlife Victoria will be running a series of free educational events in Melton next month. L-R Anna Houghton( wildlife victoria), Christine Gilmore (Wildlife refuge) and Zaylee Saint-James Turner. Photo by Kristian Scott

If you’ve ever spotted a lizard in your backyard, found a possum in your roof or seen a dozen roos in a paddock nearby, this is the workshop for you.

Wildlife Victoria and RACV are hosting a series of roadshow events and are headed to Melton next month.

Animal rescuers such as Christine Gilmore of Cooper’s Animal Refuge will share their rescue stories and what they’ve achieved as Wildlife Victoria volunteers over the years.

Wildlife Victoria spokeswoman Zaylee Saint-James Turner said the workshops were aimed at people interested in finding out more information about the native wildlife found in their backyards.

“A panel of volunteer rescuers and carers … will be discussing all the tips and tricks they have for providing the best living situations for the birds, possums roos, lizards and bats [to name just a few] in our increasingly urbanised environment,” she said.

The free Melton event will run from 2-4pm on Saturday, December 10, at Melton library, 31 McKenzie Street. Bookings essential. Details: wildlifevictoria.org.au or call 8400 7318.


Sumeyya Ilanbey