Melton woman’s journey to book-writing

Sue Buckingham is launching her new book at Melton library. Picture: Kristian Scott

For almost three years, Sue Buckingham dismissed an “inside voice” urging her to write a book.

But as the voice got stronger, she found it harder to resist.

Ms Buckingham embarked on a new journey – penning a five-part series exploring family history, relationships and complexities. She will launch her second, and latest, book of the series –

The Brother’s Farewell – at Melton library later this month.

“I really like family history and I’ve always felt a connection with my ancestors,” Ms Buckingham says.

“So when I started writing, things happened very quickly.”

Ms Buckingham doesn’t find it hard to envision the appearances and personalities of her characters – it all comes naturally, she says.

“I’m excited about what is going to happen in the later series,” she says.

“I have a bit of an idea about it, but for me it’s like going on a journey as well – things come to me as I write.”

The Brother’s Farewell launch is at 7pm on Monday, February 22, at Melton library.