Ballan resident Stephanie Day share her love of trees

Photo: Luke Hemer

Stephanie Day founded the Ballan Arboretum Group in 2014 to share her love of trees with the community.

She discusses their significant role in Moorabool’s heritage with Esther Lauaki.


What’s your connection to Moorabool?

I live in the township of Ballan and was the initiator of the idea for the Ballan Arboretum Group.


Tell me about the group.

I was one of the four local females who got together to build a culture for the town around trees and walking.

The council has placed signage at the eastern and western entrances to the town noting that Ballan is regarded for its autumn foliage display.

We wish to build tourism to the town, not only in autumn but throughout the year and to do it using a diversity of tree species.


Why is the arboretum group important to Ballan?

We believe that Ballan, being a small town, can have a big vision.


The group will be hosting the Winter and Sprinter talks this Saturday (July 16). What can people expect?

The idea of the talks is to discuss trees – their horticultural, social, historic and aesthetic value to our society.

Tree decline creates human health decline.

Just as we depend on each other, we also depend on the land and our environment for our wellbeing.

Anna Foley, advocacy and conservation manager at National Trust of Australia, will discuss the significance of trees and their place in our shared heritage.

A culture that values its trees is extremely sophisticated and trees are an intrinsic part of our spiritual wellbeing.


What would you change about Moorabool?

If I could change something in Moorabool, it would be to encourage more creative housing styles closer to shops, public transport and parks.


What’s your favorite thing about Ballan?

My favourite thing in Ballan is the Werribee River and the walking areas beside it.


The Winter Sprinter talks will start at 2.30pm on Saturday, July 16, at the Ballan Mechanics Institute, 143 Inglis Street, Ballan. Admission costs $5.

Details: Stephanie Day on