My Moorabool: Karin Wilson

Karin Wilson has been a member of the Country Womens’ Association for nearly 40 years. The Coimadai mother of four and grandmother to six spoke to Esther Lauaki about her love of the community.


What’s your connection with Moorabool?

I have lived in Moorabool Shire for 13 years.


What community groups are you part of?

I belong to the Bacchus Marsh branch of the Country Womens’ Association, which is part of the Ballarat District Group, and served on committees. I’ve also helped in the RSL Womens Auxiliary, Bacchus Marsh and I help where I can at the grandchildren’s school.


How long have you been involved with the CWA?

I have been in CWA for approximately 38 years. Starting at Sutton Grange and transferring to Bacchus Marsh when we shifted to this area.


What are the most memorable community projects that you have been involved in?

Several things come to mind but the Pioneer Womens’ Avenue revamp was one of the important ones. It was an eight-year project that ended with the launch of the book about the avenue and the women honoured in it. More recently I’ve been working with the group art and craft exhibition that will be held in Ballan on May 13 and 14. It’s the first time the exhibition has come to Ballan. An ongoing project at the moment I’m involved with is finding a home for the Bacchus Marsh CWA branch as we do so much work we need a place to work from.


What makes you want to be involved in the Moorabool community?

I like to help people who are less fortunate than myself, and there is a lot of need out there. I can sew, that helps with making trauma dolls that get made for Bacchus Marsh Hospital and the breast cancer care packs that the branch put together for the breast cancer patients in the Ballarat area.


Why do you feel it’s important for people to get involved in the community, particularly young people?

It’s important for all people, young and old, to be involved in the community. A community is made up of you and I and helping gives us a sense of self worth because you’re helping a fellow neighbour.


What are your favourite places to visit in Moorabool?

I am one of those people who like to explore a place that I have shifted into. I am still exploring and have no favourite place as yet but the whole area is unique.


What do you love about Coimadai?

Coimadai provided a place away from busy towns as that is why we left to come to this area.