PROFILE: Diggers Rest’s new principal settling in

When Diggers Rest Primary School advertised for a new principal late last year, Rachelle Hedger knew it was the job for her.

“I took on the role of acting principal for a term last year and absolutely loved it,’’ she says.

“It’s a really special little school where every child is known by name. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.”

It’s the first time the Sunbury resident has taken on a permanent principal’s role.

She has taught at a variety of Melbourne schools in the past 16 years.

“I’m not looking at using this as a stepping stone to a bigger school; I’m looking to be here for the long term.”

She says predicted population growth in Diggers Rest will present some exciting challenges.

“Growth is a challenge and opportunity at the school,” she said. “We’re right in the middle of the town and we see ourselves as a hub … it’s important for us to make new partnerships in the community.

“There’s such a strong community history in this town and we want to ensure it continues.”

Ms Hedger says the school will continue to place a strong focus on making sure pupils achieve the best-possible academic results.