PROFILE: Kristina Scerri’s vision to help others

November was a big month for Melton’s Kristina Scerri.

The 18-year-old completed her VCE exams and learned she’ll be heading to Cambodia in February as part of World Vision’s Global One program.

The program connects Australians with World Vision workers in communities affected by poverty.

“Because I’ve been sitting my exams it’s yet to sink in,” Scerri says.

“I wrote down what I wanted to do as part of the program and was interviewed about possibly going on the trip. Hundreds of people applied.”

While in Cambodia, she will stay with local families and immerse herself in Cambodian culture and life. “I’m expecting to see how they live and help them out with whatever they need help with,” she says.

Her interest in working with World Vision arose when she was in year 10 at Catholic Regional College.

“I started as a World Vision leader at my school,” she recalls.

“I want to help people and become a doctor, and I envisage going over to countries like Cambodia to work.”

Scerri, who has to raise $3000 to help cover the costs of next year’s trip, is organising a series of parties and movie nights. 
