PROFILE: 3APL is a juicy community morsel

Most listeners think that the name of Bacchus Marsh’s community radio station, Apple 98.5 FM, was chosen for the region’s reputation as a prime fruit-growing area.

But president Mark Philip says it was more by accident than design.

‘‘Twenty-six years ago, when the station was getting off the ground, it was given the licence number 3APL,’’ he says. ‘‘It’s been known as Apple FM ever since.”

Philip and Annette Langlands co-host a breakfast program, Your Community, from 9am-midday every Thursday, a commitment which includes more than simply the three hours spent on-air.

“I put probably two days into the researching and setting up interviews for the week,” Langlands says.

“I’m a community person, I love being out amongst people so this is my way of doing that.

‘‘I go to the libraries, [visit] all the stores in Ballan and Melton and anything I can find that is a community event I take note of and we get it out to the community.”

The station broadcasts 24/7 and is entirely self-funded. “It’s a completely different set of rules for broadcasting than metro stations,” Philip says. “We have promos rather than ads, people who sponsor us.

‘‘We’re a commercial organisation, but we’re not tied to any one genre so we’re a reflection of what’s going on in Moorabool.”

Another difference is that all presenters produce their own shows.

“We don’t have a set playlist, they present their shows and put their chosen music out there,’’ Philip says.

‘‘We’ve got people who do Celtic music, eclectic folk, ’30s and ’40s music, current music, country, hip-hop – everyone does their own thing.”

Langlands believes stations like Apple are able to focus on putting locals first. “Our aim is to give every Moorabool organisation or community group a voice.”

However, as Philip explains, things don’t always go to plan. “It’s always memorable when computers drop off, transmitters stop, thunderstorms blow you off the air, different things can go wrong and all of a sudden you’re in panic mode.”

Philip has been on air for three years, having developed a passion for radio while working as 3DB’s “cart-boy” almost 30 years ago. “There’d be the old eight-track cartridges and you’d have to go pull them off the wall. I’ve driven trucks, so I’ve listened to radio all my life and I love it.”

He says the best part of his job is the large circle of people he meets. “Most people’s reaction to being on radio for the first time is priceless.” 
