Ballan’s Matt Jarmain dreams of playing polocrosse at highest level

BALLAN’S Matt Jarmain has set his sights on playing polocrosse for his country at the highest level possible.

Returning from last month’s two-test series against Ireland in the under-21 Australian team, Jarmain is hoping he has another chance to pull on the green and gold – but next time in the open division.

Jarmain, 20, was the Australian under-21 polocrosse captain in the victorious series, something he said he had always aspired towards.

“It is something I’ve always dreamed of doing. It was such an honour,” he said.

Jarmain was a key founder of the Ballan Jets Polocrosse Club last year and said he would love to see the sport continue to grow.

The club just finished its first season and now Jarmain is focusing on again getting a chance to represent the country.

However, his initial target is next year’s national titles, where he hopes to represent Victoria.

“If you keep training your hardest, the selections just figure themselves out. That’s all I can do, just keep training and doing my best and seeing what happens. Once you crack into the open age, it becomes that much tougher because you have people aged from 21 up until at least 40 hoping for a spot.

“It’s going to be tough, but there’s no reason I can’t make it.”