Who doesn’t love a long lunch?
Guests at Moorabool’s Longest Lunch, at St Anne’s Winery on Friday, March 4, will be able to sit back and enjoy their lunch, in the knowledge their tasty feast is also helping raise money for Djerriwarrh Health Service.
The popular event will include seasonal food matched with local wines, all served up by renowned chef Mark Mills and a hospitality team of Bacchus Marsh Grammar students.
The event will also include music and other entertainment.
Money raised from the lunch will be used by the health services to purchase new equipment.
Djerriwarrh Health Service finance and corporate services director James Rubeli said the longest lunch was a wonderful way for the service to connect with the community.
“This event is very important to Djerriwarrh Health Services,” he said. “Not only does it allow us to purchase a piece of medical equipment, it also allows us to promote our services to the community.”
Moorabool’s Longest Lunch will be at St Anne’s Winery, 64 Garrards Road, Myrniong. Details: Nadine, 0431 444 920.